Saturday, January 21, 2012

Half Marathon

Some pics from the Houston Half Marathon! I did it! In under 3 hrs! My time was 2:35:56, and that included some walking during mile 10-11 when I thought my heart was going to explode!!!

picking up my packet!!

gettin' ready

running, running, running (friends joining me)

finish line, friends, medal

hubs got me stickers and a rose and took me out for my fav dinner

Such a great day! 
I felt so loved and supported by friends and family! 
Plus I raised $600 for my charity, Living Water International!

I did learn some things though: 
1) Do NOT take ibuprofen mid-race or your heart rate will drop andyou'll think you're having a heart attack;
2) Do NOT have a 2-hr massage the day after the race unless you wanna have mad toxins circulating, making you feel like poo;
3) DO drink lots of green juice and water the week after and get plenty of sleep, ah!

- SG, Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy New Year... 2 weeks in...

I've got organization and decorating on the brain, big time right now. Big time. We are working on finding a new place to live, and I get a little excited with all the possibilities of new decorating schemes. I found all these unrelated, but lovely images on my desktop (I'm an image hoarder, what can I say) while I was organizing files on my computer (again, organization bug is hitting me big time). So here's some of my favorite eye candy.

Common denominator: grey walls & bright white walls, black and white, graphic patterns, rustic metal pieces, art, leather, textured fabrics, these are a few of my favorite things.
You might be wondering why I included some outdoor summery looking photos... that's because in Texas, our winters are actually quite beautiful. Especially near the gulf, our winters can even bring mild weather, perfect for finding a spot on a patio to relax. 

Also, sort of befitting this style is the wool floppy hat. I bought one. Now working on styling it with the rest of my clothes.... here are inspirations:

Tomorrow is my half marathon, folks. Tomorrow. I am giddy. At least that's what I tell myself when I start to feel terrified. I say, "self, that's just excitement." Hoping that works.
Pics to follow.
Have a great weekend!



Scenes from Christmas

So I accidentally posted a blank post instead of this one on Christmas Night... but I liked these pics so much, I'm going to go ahead with this post on January 14th. Sigh.

Our finished Christmas cards-
First year I sent them and man do I feel like a grown up!

Spent a few day with my family-
(hub is taking the pic, of course)

Christmas eve at my grandparents- here with all my cousins. They're fun. We draw names and do funny white elephant.

Midnight Christmas eve service with friends- wonderful!

Christmas morning at the inlaws. We were late because I was slow moving this morning due to a cookie hangover. Yep, for real. No alcohol, but mass amounts of cookies.

Annual gingerbread contest- this year, I brought my own material- homemade scamp pieces to make a gingerbread camper!!!

Drive through the lights on our way home.

Grateful for another year to remember God's Incarnation, the greatest gift.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

- SG, Posted from my iPhone