I love this teal bathroom from Canadian House and Home. I love white washed woodwork: the bead board, the chair rail, and crown molding. And GAH I love that hardware! And you know I dig that sink reservoir and the clawfoot bathtub.
I like Red Lipstick. I bought my first tube EVER for Valentine's Day! I'm trying it out slowly. I've found that a swipe of red and then blotting so it's more of a stain is more my look. Oh and clear gloss on top. Still getting my husband used to this look. Do you guys like red lips?

Click here to make you feel good: Ondine Karady's portfolio. Y'all remember her from Top Design 2008, right? Her work is REALLY good! I didn't realize it, but her background is in set design. She did lots of fabulous sets for Sex and the City, including Alexander Petrovsky's chic NY apartment.

I went to a Dallas nursery last weekend with one of my best friends and I cannot get the ranunculus out of my head. They weren't as open or gorgeous as these in this picture, but I loved them none-the-less. I want a garden! Now!
Happy Monday!
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