I got something in the mail the other day...

It was a package of little glittery birds! My darling sweet Momma sent them to me! They're ornanments and they are adorable!
You see, I have a Christmas Tree with all the trimmings waaaaay back in my storge unit (that unit is the bane of my existance). All my baubles are copper and eggplant purple or sparkly silver- and then there are the birds. Yes, those funny feathery birds you clip on to the tree branches... I have those an LOVE them! Anyway, Since we couldn't put a tree up this year (we don't have the space in this teeny temporary apartment nor the desire to dig through our storage unit), Momma sent me these perky tiny birds for some fun decoration. I keep thinking putting them in a wreath or hanging them from the ceiling with fishing line as a mobile in a corner would be so sweet. I better hurry up- I'm running out if time (whyisthisyearflyingbysofast?Idonthavetimeforanything!!!!!)!
Just wanted to share my sweet birdies! I'll post a pic if/when I get them up. :)
Thanks, Mommy!